Advocating for Self-Sustainable Charity

"Empower Your Charitable Causes with Self-Sustainability through ARK Institute and ARK Token"
Unlock a New Era of Giving with ARK Institute and ARK Token, where Charities can thrive on Self-Sustainable Funding. No more begging for support, just a brighter future for the organizations making a difference in the world. Benefit from a cutting-edge economic system, as qualifying charities receive donations based on blockchain voting and earn even greater rewards through holding the ARK token. Invest in a better tomorrow for charitable causes with ARK Institute and ARK Token.

The Charity Gates

All twelve gates must be passed before a charity will be eligible to be on Ark Institute’s voting list.These twelve gates are:1st Gate: Sustainable model for continued impact. The Organization must be able to provide a seed that if left unattended will grow on its own.2nd Gate: The Organization must build the subject, not buy the subject. A charity gives, an Arkitect builds.3rd Gate: The personal acumen of the Organization founder or current leader must be up to the task of the Organization.4th Gate: Executives and employees of the Organization cannot be compensated above market rate.5th Gate: Greater than 70% of funding to the Organization must impact the subject of the Organization.6th Gate: There must be an accountable entity who is liable for all actions of the Organization.7th Gate: Organizations must prove history of greater than one-year of affecting positive change through financial deployment.8th Gate: The Organization must have well-established accounting practices which produce verifiable receipts and invoices for donations as well as published statements.9th Gate: The Organization may not discriminate based on race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, or any other human condition.10th Gate: The Organization must not be politically motivated nor affiliated.11th Gate: The Organization must be fulfilling a purpose that is undeniably needed in the world.12th Gate: The Organization must be pure, without conflict of character.

Bi-weekly Voting

Each ARK you hold in your wallet equals 1 vote. If you vote more than once with the same wallet, only your latest vote will count. Your ARK balance at the end of the vote will equal the number of votes cast for the option you selected. If you’d like to split your votes you can hold ARK in multiple wallets and vote with each wallet. If you experience any errors voting, make sure you have the latest version of the XUMM app installed on your mobile device.If you would like to promote a particular voting option online or through social media, each voting option has a unique URL associated with it. Simply right click on the voting option, copy the link address and share it online.

By holding ARK you receive a passive income in RPR and ASC

DELUGE – Decentralized Life Under Greater Eminence
The Captain of the ARK will increase the total supply by one million tokens per month and sell that supply at market value divided by the total number of votes per month. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of ARK tokens will be distributed to the Organizations as willed and as-is proportional to the percentage of votes received. 25% will market purchase RPR tokens and 25% will market purchase ASC; the full balance of each will be distributed to ARK token holders proportionate to the number of ARK tokens they possess at the time of distribution.
Sow the seeds and make fertile the grounds so that the tree of life might grow.

Charities may apply to board the ARK

If you are a charity interested in joining Ark Institute, please complete the form below to apply. Please make sure that your organization passes all The Charity Gates before applying.

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